


model <- glm(y ~ job + housing + contact + poutcome + duration + month +
             campaign + loan + marital + education + day + balance + previous, 
             data = bank_marketing, family = binomial(link = 'logit'))

Regression Output

Using Model

#> - Creating model overview. 
#> - Creating response profile. 
#> - Extracting maximum likelihood estimates. 
#> - Estimating concordant and discordant pairs.
#>                              Model Overview                              
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Data Set    Resp Var    Obs.    Df. Model    Df. Residual    Convergence 
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   data         y        4521      4520           4481           TRUE     
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                     Response Summary                     
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#> Outcome        Frequency        Outcome        Frequency 
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#>    0             4004              1              517    
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#>                       Maximum Likelihood Estimates                        
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>     Parameter         DF    Estimate    Std. Error    z value     Pr(>|z|) 
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>    (Intercept)        1     -6.0954        0.3773    -16.1557      0.0000 
#>   jobtechnician       1     -0.0068        0.2080     -0.0325      0.9741 
#>  jobentrepreneur      1     -0.3684        0.3804     -0.9686      0.3328 
#>   jobblue-collar      1     -0.1024        0.2411     -0.4246      0.6711 
#>     jobunknown        1     -0.9139        0.9521     -0.9599      0.3371 
#>     jobretired        1      0.5864        0.2862      2.0488      0.0405 
#>     jobadmin.         1      0.3936        0.2407      1.6350      0.1020 
#>    jobservices        1      0.2296        0.2680      0.8568      0.3916 
#>  jobself-employed     1     -0.0333        0.3138     -0.1061      0.9155 
#>   jobunemployed       1     -0.3802        0.3786     -1.0040      0.3154 
#>    jobhousemaid       1     -0.4823        0.4276     -1.1280      0.2593 
#>     jobstudent        1     -0.0691        0.3682     -0.1877      0.8511 
#>     housingno         1      0.5906        0.1390      4.2494      0.0000 
#>  contactcellular      1      1.7275        0.2391      7.2249      0.0000 
#>  contacttelephone     1      1.3937        0.3253      4.2844      0.0000 
#>  poutcomefailure      1      0.0185        0.2139      0.0865      0.9311 
#>   poutcomeother       1      0.6038        0.2833      2.1309      0.0331 
#>  poutcomesuccess      1      2.8899        0.2575     11.2208      0.0000 
#>      duration         1      0.0044         2e-04     20.6753      0.0000 
#>      monthjun         1      1.0020        0.2522      3.9728       1e-04 
#>      monthjul         1     -0.1291        0.2303     -0.5605      0.5752 
#>      monthaug         1     -0.2074        0.2384     -0.8697      0.3844 
#>      monthoct         1      1.5325        0.3355      4.5680      0.0000 
#>      monthnov         1     -0.1869        0.2481     -0.7531      0.4514 
#>      monthdec         1      0.9879        0.7732      1.2777      0.2014 
#>      monthjan         1     -0.7318        0.3783     -1.9344      0.0531 
#>      monthfeb         1      0.4410        0.2564      1.7199      0.0855 
#>      monthmar         1      1.5231        0.3952      3.8537       1e-04 
#>      monthapr         1      0.1970        0.2412      0.8166      0.4141 
#>      monthsep         1      1.6979        0.3908      4.3449      0.0000 
#>      campaign         1     -0.0844        0.0307     -2.7462      0.0060 
#>       loanno          1      0.7052        0.2062      3.4195       6e-04 
#>   maritalsingle       1      0.3590        0.1328      2.7033      0.0069 
#>  maritaldivorced      1     -0.1420        0.2062     -0.6887      0.4910 
#> educationsecondary    1     -0.3312        0.1711     -1.9361      0.0529 
#>  educationunknown     1      0.3370        0.3026      1.1136      0.2655 
#>  educationprimary     1     -0.3731        0.2408     -1.5490      0.1214 
#>        day            1      0.0045        0.0084      0.5364      0.5917 
#>      balance          1      0.0000        0.0000      0.4029      0.6870 
#>      previous         1     -0.0310        0.0398     -0.7783      0.4364 
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses  
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------
#> % Concordant          0.9099          Somers' D        0.8197   
#> % Discordant          0.0901          Gamma            0.8197   
#> % Tied                0.0000          Tau-a            0.1661   
#> Pairs                2070068          c                0.9099   
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Using Formula

blr_regress(y ~ marital + education + contact, data = bank_marketing)
#> - Creating model overview. 
#> - Creating response profile. 
#> - Extracting maximum likelihood estimates. 
#> - Estimating concordant and discordant pairs.
#>                              Model Overview                              
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Data Set    Resp Var    Obs.    Df. Model    Df. Residual    Convergence 
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   data         y        4521      4520           4513           TRUE     
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                     Response Summary                     
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#> Outcome        Frequency        Outcome        Frequency 
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#>    0             4004              1              517    
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#>                       Maximum Likelihood Estimates                        
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>     Parameter         DF    Estimate    Std. Error    z value     Pr(>|z|) 
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>    (Intercept)        1     -3.0830        0.1658    -18.5890      0.0000 
#>   maritalsingle       1      0.4167        0.1039      4.0097       1e-04 
#>  maritaldivorced      1      0.0539        0.1606      0.3353      0.7374 
#> educationsecondary    1     -0.3436        0.1060     -3.2425      0.0012 
#>  educationunknown     1      0.1344        0.2348      0.5724      0.5671 
#>  educationprimary     1     -0.2468        0.1559     -1.5831      0.1134 
#>  contactcellular      1      1.3754        0.1496      9.1950      0.0000 
#>  contacttelephone     1      1.2645        0.2217      5.7031      0.0000 
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> % Concordant          0.6092          Somers' D         0.3369   
#> % Discordant          0.3022          Gamma             0.3070   
#> % Tied                0.0886          Tau-a             0.0622   
#> Pairs                2070068          c                 0.6535   
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------

Odds Ratio Estimates

blr_regress(model, odd_conf_limit = TRUE)
#> - Creating model overview. 
#> - Creating response profile. 
#> - Extracting maximum likelihood estimates. 
#> - Computing odds ratio estimates. 
#> - Estimating concordant and discordant pairs.
#>                              Model Overview                              
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Data Set    Resp Var    Obs.    Df. Model    Df. Residual    Convergence 
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   data         y        4521      4520           4481           TRUE     
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                     Response Summary                     
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#> Outcome        Frequency        Outcome        Frequency 
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#>    0             4004              1              517    
#> --------------------------------------------------------
#>                       Maximum Likelihood Estimates                        
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>     Parameter         DF    Estimate    Std. Error    z value     Pr(>|z|) 
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>    (Intercept)        1     -6.0954        0.3773    -16.1557      0.0000 
#>   jobtechnician       1     -0.0068        0.2080     -0.0325      0.9741 
#>  jobentrepreneur      1     -0.3684        0.3804     -0.9686      0.3328 
#>   jobblue-collar      1     -0.1024        0.2411     -0.4246      0.6711 
#>     jobunknown        1     -0.9139        0.9521     -0.9599      0.3371 
#>     jobretired        1      0.5864        0.2862      2.0488      0.0405 
#>     jobadmin.         1      0.3936        0.2407      1.6350      0.1020 
#>    jobservices        1      0.2296        0.2680      0.8568      0.3916 
#>  jobself-employed     1     -0.0333        0.3138     -0.1061      0.9155 
#>   jobunemployed       1     -0.3802        0.3786     -1.0040      0.3154 
#>    jobhousemaid       1     -0.4823        0.4276     -1.1280      0.2593 
#>     jobstudent        1     -0.0691        0.3682     -0.1877      0.8511 
#>     housingno         1      0.5906        0.1390      4.2494      0.0000 
#>  contactcellular      1      1.7275        0.2391      7.2249      0.0000 
#>  contacttelephone     1      1.3937        0.3253      4.2844      0.0000 
#>  poutcomefailure      1      0.0185        0.2139      0.0865      0.9311 
#>   poutcomeother       1      0.6038        0.2833      2.1309      0.0331 
#>  poutcomesuccess      1      2.8899        0.2575     11.2208      0.0000 
#>      duration         1      0.0044         2e-04     20.6753      0.0000 
#>      monthjun         1      1.0020        0.2522      3.9728       1e-04 
#>      monthjul         1     -0.1291        0.2303     -0.5605      0.5752 
#>      monthaug         1     -0.2074        0.2384     -0.8697      0.3844 
#>      monthoct         1      1.5325        0.3355      4.5680      0.0000 
#>      monthnov         1     -0.1869        0.2481     -0.7531      0.4514 
#>      monthdec         1      0.9879        0.7732      1.2777      0.2014 
#>      monthjan         1     -0.7318        0.3783     -1.9344      0.0531 
#>      monthfeb         1      0.4410        0.2564      1.7199      0.0855 
#>      monthmar         1      1.5231        0.3952      3.8537       1e-04 
#>      monthapr         1      0.1970        0.2412      0.8166      0.4141 
#>      monthsep         1      1.6979        0.3908      4.3449      0.0000 
#>      campaign         1     -0.0844        0.0307     -2.7462      0.0060 
#>       loanno          1      0.7052        0.2062      3.4195       6e-04 
#>   maritalsingle       1      0.3590        0.1328      2.7033      0.0069 
#>  maritaldivorced      1     -0.1420        0.2062     -0.6887      0.4910 
#> educationsecondary    1     -0.3312        0.1711     -1.9361      0.0529 
#>  educationunknown     1      0.3370        0.3026      1.1136      0.2655 
#>  educationprimary     1     -0.3731        0.2408     -1.5490      0.1214 
#>        day            1      0.0045        0.0084      0.5364      0.5917 
#>      balance          1      0.0000        0.0000      0.4029      0.6870 
#>      previous         1     -0.0310        0.0398     -0.7783      0.4364 
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                         Odds Ratio Estimates                          
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#>      Effects              Estimate              95% Wald Conf. Limit 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   jobtechnician            0.9933            0.6591            1.4907 
#>  jobentrepreneur           0.6918            0.3143            1.4082 
#>   jobblue-collar           0.9027            0.5617            1.4464 
#>     jobunknown             0.4010            0.0423            1.9591 
#>     jobretired             1.7976            1.0191            3.1339 
#>     jobadmin.              1.4822            0.9215            2.3696 
#>    jobservices             1.2582            0.7387            2.1157 
#>  jobself-employed          0.9673            0.5116            1.7564 
#>   jobunemployed            0.6838            0.3150            1.3983 
#>    jobhousemaid            0.6173            0.2558            1.3774 
#>     jobstudent             0.9332            0.4462            1.8944 
#>     housingno              1.8050            1.3756            2.3726 
#>  contactcellular           5.6266            3.5476            9.0674 
#>  contacttelephone          4.0299            2.1202            7.6052 
#>  poutcomefailure           1.0187            0.6660            1.5419 
#>   poutcomeother            1.8290            1.0369            3.1550 
#>  poutcomesuccess           17.9917           10.9518          30.0908 
#>      duration              1.0044            1.0040            1.0048 
#>      monthjun              2.7238            1.6590            4.4655 
#>      monthjul              0.8789            0.5585            1.3787 
#>      monthaug              0.8127            0.5086            1.2962 
#>      monthoct              4.6295            2.3828            8.9031 
#>      monthnov              0.8296            0.5070            1.3430 
#>      monthdec              2.6855            0.5405           11.5587 
#>      monthjan              0.4810            0.2235            0.9888 
#>      monthfeb              1.5543            0.9363            2.5615 
#>      monthmar              4.5865            2.0753            9.8396 
#>      monthapr              1.2177            0.7550            1.9466 
#>      monthsep              5.4624            2.5190           11.6901 
#>      campaign              0.9190            0.8624            0.9730 
#>       loanno               2.0242            1.3675            3.0737 
#>   maritalsingle            1.4320            1.1026            1.8565 
#>  maritaldivorced           0.8676            0.5732            1.2877 
#> educationsecondary         0.7181            0.5138            1.0049 
#>  educationunknown          1.4007            0.7602            2.4973 
#>  educationprimary          0.6886            0.4278            1.1004 
#>        day                 1.0045            0.9882            1.0211 
#>      balance               1.0000            1.0000            1.0000 
#>      previous              0.9695            0.8936            1.0441 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses  
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------
#> % Concordant          0.9099          Somers' D        0.8197   
#> % Discordant          0.0901          Gamma            0.8197   
#> % Tied                0.0000          Tau-a            0.1661   
#> Pairs                2070068          c                0.9099   
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Model Fit Statistics

Single Model

#>                               Model Fit Statistics                                
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Log-Lik Intercept Only:     -1607.330    Log-Lik Full Model:            -1042.323 
#> Deviance(4481):              2084.646    LR(39):                         1130.013 
#>                                          Prob > LR:                         0.000 
#> MCFadden's R2                   0.352    McFadden's Adj R2:                 0.327 
#> ML (Cox-Snell) R2:                NaN    Cragg-Uhler(Nagelkerke) R2:          NaN 
#> McKelvey & Zavoina's R2:        0.476    Efron's R2:                        0.321 
#> Count R2:                       0.904    Adj Count R2:                      0.161 
#> BIC:                         2421.306    AIC:                            2164.646 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Multiple Models

model <- glm(y ~ marital + education + contact, data = bank_marketing,
  family = binomial(link = 'logit'))

model2 <- glm(y ~ marital + education, data = bank_marketing,
  family = binomial(link = 'logit'))

blr_multi_model_fit_stats(model, model2)
#>                      Measures   Model 1   Model 2
#> 1      Log-Lik Intercept Only -1607.330 -1607.330
#> 2          Log-Lik Full Model -1529.506 -1586.114
#> 3                    Deviance  3059.013  3172.228
#> 4                          LR   155.646    42.431
#> 5                   Prob > LR     0.000     0.000
#> 6               MCFadden's R2     0.048     0.013
#> 7           McFadden's Adj R2     0.043     0.009
#> 8           ML (Cox-Snell) R2  3075.013  3184.228
#> 9  Cragg-Uhler(Nagelkerke) R2       NaN       NaN
#> 10    McKelvey & Zavoina's R2  3126.344  3222.727
#> 11                 Efron's R2     0.128     0.025
#> 12                   Count R2     0.032     0.010
#> 13               Adj Count R2       NaN       NaN
#> 14                        AIC     0.886     0.886
#> 15                        BIC     0.000     0.000